Although there have been exceptions, in general, we are only able to work with local guys here in Toronto, Canada for a number of reasons. Practicality and the fact we use our own studio here in our office (for consistency) are two of them. If you are planning a visit then let us know and we may be able to work something out.
While we don't shoot everyone who applies, as you can see from the models already on Jockstrap Central we're not just looking for your cookie cutter fashion models. We are looking for guys from ages 18 to 80, amateur or professional, hairy or smooth, short or tall and from all ethnic backgrounds but most importantly, we're looking for guys with a great attitude. If you fit the bill, why not give it a shot?
Choosing models is a complicated process. We try to match up a model's look and style with what we're shooting that day. We don't use stylists or makeup artists and hire guys who arrive looking good.
Here's an idea of what we're looking for:
Great ass:
Being Jockstrap Central, a majority of what we shoot is jockstraps (you figure!) Because of that, we need our models to have a decent ass. A jockstrap frames the butt and it plays a prominent part in our photoshoots.
Most people think we're only looking for guys with above average dicks. Wrong! We've discovered that having a big dick isn't everything. What really fills a pouch is often a guy's balls. Occasionally we'll choose a model based on his endowment but only when we're shooting jocks and gear designed for guys with larger than life junk (like our McKillop XXL Bulge Sport Jockstraps). Some of our cock rings also work better on a decent set of balls. Other than that, our models have all sizes of endowments, some are cut and some uncut and we love them all.
Speaking of package. Often, we will ask a model to wear a cock ring (which we provide). It's normally not to get you hard but just reshape your junk in a pouch. If we're shooting cock rings (and you're OK modeling them) then we may ask you to fluff yourself a bit, just know that we will never touch you other than to adjust a strap or remove a lose thread. You will have to do the "hard" work yourself.
One of the most important things you can bring to a shoot is... attitude. Guys who are a bit of a exhibitionist (aren't all models?) guarantee a successful shoot. With that said, we have been able to work with shy or reserved models and often find by the end of the shoot they've come out of their shell and giving us some of our most artistic and sexy shots imaginable.

If you've been exploring our website you'll quickly discover that we have quite a lot of explicit imagery. We don't, however, expect all our models to model the mesh, see-through and full-frontal jocks and gear. However, as we will always be shooting a few jockstraps during every shoot, at a very minimum you have to be comfortable having your bum exposed in some photos. Everything else is optional. Your limitations will will be discussed during our initial meeting so we never ask you to model something you're not comfortable modeling.
The only downside to someone not willing to shoot the more risque items is, often we'll have a shoot with 20 items to get through and some of the items may contain mesh or erotic jocks. In that case we would simply choose a model who's comfortable modeling everything and possibly use you for the next upcoming shoot.

Although we do carry regular underwear, sportswear and fetish wear you can be guaranteed to be asked to model some jockstraps, after all we are Jockstrap Central.
If you're shy about getting naked in front of people then this probably isn't the right job for you. Even if we're not shooting mesh, see-through, enhancing or full-frontal jockstraps and gear, we do ask models to be comfortable enough to change in the studio. Unless agreed upon, we'll never shoot you naked.
We're not a porn site (despite many people thinking our shoots become orgies. They don't!) but as I'm sure you've figured out, we're not afraid of showing a bit of gratuitous nudity if a model is willing. What I always tell a model: "If you show it to us, we'll certainly shoot it. And some of our models certainly "show it to us!"

We've been shooting guys for almost 15 years. Boners happen and they're natural. Some guys just get turned on by being naked (or jockstrapped) in front of other people. Sometimes we'll make the boner work in the shoot and other times we'll just wait it out. The reverse of this is that some guys think it's easy to get a boner on command (when we're shooting cock rings) but for many guys, it isn't. If we ask you to (again if you're agreed to shooting cock rings and full-frontal stuff) and it doesn't happen then no worries, we'll move on to other things.
As above, precum happens. Some guys are prone to drip, especially when they're turned on by the shoot. It happens. Don't be embarrassed, we've seen it all before.
As mentioned above, we don't expect all our models to model the mesh, see-through and even full-frontal jocks and fetish wear, but it's certainly easier to work with guys who are willing to show it all. But with that said, we'll have an initial meeting with every model to determine their comfort level and tailor each shoot to that.
So, if that hasn't scared you off then why don't you give it a try. Email us and let us know a bit about yourselves and include a few recent photos. - face and body shots, front and back are best, preferably in underwear (or jockstraps) or less. The photos don't have to be professional, selfies from your mobile phone are perfectly fine. And if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Email us: models@jockstrapcentral.com